Let's get started!
I'm currently on a project in MA and am not accepting bookings.
Chat with Victoria
To get started, send me a message describing what you'd like help with. If possible, please include photos or videos so I can start brainstorming solutions. Everything you send will be kept confidential.
Chat on WhatsApp
Scan the QR code above to start chatting with me on WhatsApp.
Chat on SMS or iMessage
Scan the QR code to start an SMS or iMessage chat. My cell is 415-702-8774, and you can also use that for Signal.
If I don't respond right away, please try me again in a few hours, or the next day. I am just one person, with many incoming requests to keep up with, so I am grateful for gentle reminders when I owe you a response.

Hi, I'm Victoria :)
I can help you get organized. I'm a travelling professional organizer and home organization consultant.
Contact Me
Signal, iMessage, SMS, WhatsApp:
© 2022 Victoria Dobbs